Pastor Mel has a passion to share the love of God with those who need to hear it the most. She believes that every person matters and is loved and has a place at the table. All are welcome! Every person needs a safe place to come and gather and be part of something bigger. We are family! We love each other and want to share the love and salvation found only in Christ Jesus with every person.
She is an ordained elder and started her ministry preparation with a BA in Pastoral Ministries from Nazarene Bible College. She continued in education with a MA in Youth, Church, and Culture from Northwest Nazarene University. Pastor Melodie graduated from Olivet Nazarene University with a MA in Missional Multiplication in the spring on 2023 and finished her Masters of Divinity from Olivet Nazarene University and will graduate in 2024.
Melodie and her husband, David, have five children. She loves the outdoors, playing sports, drinking coffee, and their rescue dogs. Stop by and meet her! She can't wait to get to know you.